"Bronson", staring Tom Hardy (Inception, Layer Cake) is a bio-pic of 'Britain's most dangerous Inmate', a story I had no idea about until watching this movie. The physical transformation Hardy underwent deserves a post of itself, but it is Hardy's portrayal of Charles Bronson that was truely amazing. He said that he and Charles actually became friends as they had a friendship spoken over the phone as Hardy was preparing for the role. The story is told in a peculiar fashion, with a fourth dimension, breaking down the barriers of conventional interviews. As the movie progresses it is littered with interviews of Bronson (Hardy) commenting on the story line. The "fourth dimension" comes from a stand-up sequence also sequenced throughout the movie. Here we see what Charles Bronson is actually thinking, and showing how playful and sadistic he really is. During this whole time, Bronson is painted up like a mime/clown as he entertains the crowd, who hysterically enjoys his routine. This is one of those movies that really sticks with you and makes you think about it days down the road. The film is raw and pretty gritty, the fight sequences were captured very well and the soundtrack to the movie fits seamlessly. I really enjoyed this movie, and give it 4 and stars:★★★★☆
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